Do you plan to study in Greece, the very birthplace of academia?

Greece is one of the countries, offering not only high quality and inexpensive higher education, but also excellent conditions for life for Indian students. Its strategic geographical location makes it an important crossroads between Africa, Europe, and Asia. Whether you’re studying STEM subjects or Humanities, Greece may help you shed new light on how you view your academics. Studying in Greece provides you an opportunity to learn in a creative environment with thousands of years of history of high-quality education, begin with the earliest western philosophers. Greek schools are well known for their programs in business, fine arts, theater, photography, philosophy, archeology and history.
Spending time in Greece will not only give you a chance to visit the beautiful island world of the Mediterranean, but also to walk through the ancient streets of Athens. It is a member of the EU and participates fully in the modern European Higher Education area. Greece is known for being one of the cheapest countries in Europe in terms of tuition fees as well as the costs of living, especially in the post–Brexit era. Greece is a particular place that combines research, recreation, and reflection and connects the legendary past with the evolving present, providing a value for money destination for the students.
Want to study in Greece, but not sure how to go about it?
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